About Kate…

Kate Rodrigue was born in Edinburgh, Scotland and grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana. After living in several places, including Rome and near Washington, DC, she eventually settled in the Portland area.

During her childhood in New Orleans she was influenced by artists, including her mother who encouraged her children to observe light and composition in everyday scenes.

She holds an Associate Degree in Commercial Art/Graphic Design, but went on to study business and work in the insurance industry for most of her career. Now that her children are grown, Kate enjoys revisiting her early love of art and design.


Artist Statement

Until recently most of my work was focused on creating small watercolors for family and friends. I started experimenting with abstracts, using acrylics and charcoal with watercolors to create pieces that are translated by the viewer. I’m fascinated by how each person has their own experience and vision when looking at the same painting. Where I see a landscape, they see a figure; which reminds us of how everyone’s life experiences are unique and valid.

Recent Artwork